New Delhi: BJP leader Meenakshi Lekhi on Tuesday said that she is confident of her victory as the people in her constituency know her for the good work done in the past five years.
Talking to ANI, Lekhi, who is contesting against her counterparts Ajay Maken of Congress and Brajesh Goel of Aam Admi Party (AAP) said, “I have known this area since I was born. People have given me abundant love and respect. Last time they only knew me but this time they have seen my work. Therefore I am sure to win this election. The other two candidates are not a challenge for me.”
The residents of the area said they were satisfied with her work, however, they mentioned a few problems which they wanted to draw the attention of their representative in the Parliament or whichever party candidate wins in the upcoming general elections.
Kusum Kapoor (resident of old Rajinder Nagar) said, “I have been living in this colony since last 14 years. The area has become better. The parks are well maintained and gym equipments have also been installed there. Law and order, roads, power cut issue all have been solved however I want better sanitation in the area. AAP did a good job by reducing the electricity bill but it has increased since last year. Whoever wins should work towards reducing it.”
Another resident and president new Rajinder Nagar resident welfare association Arvind Mehta said, “I have been born and raised here in this colony. I have seen this colony grow for better but problems have also become manifolds. Our major issues in this area are two P’s i.e. Pani (water) and Parking. This colony has just one water source and water is supplied only once a day which is insufficient for residents of this area. Also, the single storeys have been converted into multi-storey flats, therefore, the number of cars has increased but the parking has not been rescheduled accordingly.”
Leelavati a housewife and resident of Kirti Nagar said, “All is fine but I want my representative to work for reducing inflation and raise the level of employment. It has become difficult to meet ends these days when just one member earns and others don’t due to limited opportunities of employment”
Desraj who lives in Vasant Gaon area and runs a barber shop says “I am by and large satisfied with the work that has been done however I expect from the MP of my area to regularise the colony where I live and arrange clean drinking water.”
Loksabha elections will be held in the sixth phase on 12 May in Delhi. The counting of votes will begin on May 23.