Computer games could be turning your kid violent

If your kid is usually found literally lost in the world of computer games, watch out! In Britain, children as young as five are being sent out of classrooms routinely for attacking fellow pupils and teachers as violent incidents in schools are on the rise.

Overall, primary, secondary and special school pupils were suspended 161,540 times in 2010 -11 for assault or verbal abuse, which is 850 pupils a day, Daily Express reported Friday.

Official statistics have revealed that about 90 youngsters, aged between five and 11, were ordered out of the classroom on daily basis in 2010-11.

Alison Sherratt, from the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), have suggested violent and addictive computer games are turning children more aggressive.

An ATL poll found students’ behaviour in schools having worsened since 2006.

In 2010-11, primary pupils were suspended 9,160 times for assaulting other children, which is up from 9,030 as recorded a year ago. On 7,830 occasions, they were also given fixed exclusions for attacking a member of staff compared to 7,230 times recorded in 2009/10.