Irrigation Minister T Harish Rao today urged his Karnataka counterpart MB Patil to continue the works of RDS on the borders and enable Telangana get its rightful share of waters. In a telephonic conversation Harish apprised Patil of the Andhra Pradesh Government violating democratic norms by writing letters against the works. Harish warned again that Andhra Pradesh will lose the waters if it indulged in spiking the projects. The Karntaka government should complete the works of the RDS before the onset of rainy season. Though the Karnataka is ready to increase the height and began the works at RDS, the Adoni officials of AP wrote letter to Raichur in Karnataka against the works he deplored.
The two Telugu states will settle the issue by sitting across the table and AP is hatching conspiracies against our interests and challenging our rights he said. Telangana Irrigation secretary SK Joshi also informed to his Karnataka counterpart Rakesh Singh that they are ready for discussing on the issue and asked the former to complete the RDS works. There is no need of fear of law and problem at the project site he suggested. Despite his repeated appeals, AP Irrigation Minister Devineni Umamaheshwar Rao is reluctant to settle the issue related to projects, Harish said. (NSS)