IT Minister KT Rama Rao today said the State government aims at providing Internet facility to every village and enable the common man to get technology at their doorsteps.
The minister was participating at ICANN 57th conference at Hitex along with Union IT Minister Ravishankar Prasad here. Speaking on the occasion, KTR said the State government was laying Optical Fiber Cable network (OFC) along with water grid pipeline to provide drinking waters. The households in rural Telangana are all set to get internet facility and potable waters soon, he claimed. The rural people will draw safe drinking water to remain healthy and avail internet facility and services at one go and become partners of our growth story, KTR said.
A brainchild of Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, Mission Bhagiratha – a flagship program is to provide safe waters to villages and people can also avail internet facility. Telangana was creating records in IT sector at global level and T Hub got accolades from the world over, he said. “We are planning to offer 2 MBPS speed internet facility to each household as part of digital Telangana. KTR claimed that Telangana is the first State to introduce cyber security policy in the country besides offering hassle-free services through Mee Seva centers.
The minister expressed hope that internet facility to villages will sure have positive impact on their lives. Technology will have its value when optimally used and its services reach the people in daily life. He also claimed that online piracy has been controlled and a plan was on cards to provide online solutions to issues related to education, health, skill development and other sectors in the State. (NSS)