Commissioner asks people to take precautions during Eid-ul-Adha

Hyderabad: Hyderabad City Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar on Tuesday asked the Muslim community to observe a peaceful Eid-ul-Adha and to take all precautions about the Covid-19 pandemic.

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“Furtively the coronavirus strikes and spreads across humans. Large gatherings for prayers are conducted during Eid-ul-Adha and we recommend that you take all care to stop them. The group did not hold any big meeting during Ramzan and we hope the same pattern will continue, “he said.

He urged the group to extend oral greetings, rather than hugging each other physically on the festival day. “Compared to what it was during Ramzan the situation has not changed. The number of deaths and illnesses went up. It’s necessary to take precautions and observe social distances to prevent the virus from spreading, “said Anjani Kumar.He also asked people to sanitize cutlery or knives that were used during animal sacrifice and to test the butcher’s health condition. “And stop going around to distribute the sacrificial animal’s meat because there is room for the virus to spread from one infected person or house to millions,” he said.