Hyderabad: Although, Govt. of Telangana has extended the tenure of office of Commission of Enquiry for Muslim up to March 2016, it has requested the commission to submit its report as early as possible. Govt. also told the commission to suggest new proposals to ensure educational development of the Muslims.
The commission is visiting Ranga Reddy from 15th to 17th October. On 16th October, it would visit Tandoor. On 17th October, at 11 a.m. the commission will hear the public grievances at Shankerji Auditorium, Vanita Maha Vidyalaya, Exhibition Grounds, Nampally. The Collector of Hyderabad has requested Muslim institution and organizations to submit their written memoranda to the commission.
The Commission has so far visited Medak, Mahboob Nagar, Nizamabad and Adilabad. It noticed that the representation of Muslims in Govt. jobs is less than two percent. The Commission also received many eye opening statistics about the educational backwardness of the Muslims. It is reported that seeing the backwardness of the Muslims during his visits, Mr. G. Sudheer shed tears. The feeling of the members of the commission is that the implementation of welfare schemes of the Dept. of Minorities Welfare is very slow. The commission also felt that the allocated budget is not being utilized fully. Instead of approving welfare schemes, the officials of the Dept. of Minorities Welfare are forcing the people to make rounds of their offices continuously.
The Commission, in its visit to Adilabad found that in a primary school all the students from 1st to 5th standard were sitting in a single classroom. It was noticed that there is only one teacher in that Urdu medium school whereas there is no shortage of teachers in other medium schools. The commission also found that there are 51 posts of school assistants and 148 posts of SGT are vacant. The educational condition of the Urdu medium schools and hostels is very deplorable. The commission is anxious to submit its report before the expiry of its tenure. It proposes to suggest many schemes for the eradication of poverty and enhancement to educational level of the Muslims community. The proposal to suggest reservations for Muslims would be decided at the submission of final report.
–Siasat News