Hyderabad: During the morning hours of Friday, upon receipt of credible information, the sleuths of Special Operations Team (SOT), LB Nagar Zone along with the Police Ibrahimpatnam nabbed eight persons for the adulteration of coal. They mixed the inferior quality coal with the high-grade consignment being imported from South Africa and Australia, as well as with the coal of Singareni collieries. They thereby cheated the needy customers.
Five others are absconding,
The police have seized (1050) tons of high-grade quality coal, (700) tons of inferior quality coal, two lorries and two earth movers (JCBs) Rs.1,62,50,000 worth of property was seized from their possession.
According to police, the accused used to receive such consignments, dump the same in their coal dumping yards and then mix the inferior quality coal and coal ash with the high-grade consignment by extracting a part of the high-grade coal.
After verifying whether the load is in same weight or not, they used to supply the adulterated coal to the concerned customers. During this process, the culprits used to give an amount of Rs. 20,000 to 25,000 to them including the lorry owners, drivers and transporters. Thus, all the accused persons including the lorry owners, drivers, transport people have knowingly indulged in this illegal activity.