Hyderabad: A palatial Mansion is being constructed as the official residence of CM of Telangana State on a 9 acre land at Panjagutta at the cost of Rs. 50 crore. Earlier, it was estimated at Rs. 35 crore but by the time, it reached its final stages, the expenditure rose to Rs. 50 crore.
It is being equipped with latest facilities which will consist of a Mini theater, a conference hall to accommodate 500 persons and other amenities. It is reported that CM’s Vastu experts advised him that the present official residence and camp office are not suitable for him. It is expected that CM would move into his new official residence any time after 24th November. It will have parking facilities for 300 vehicles.
It is worth noting that even after completing half the tenure of TRS Govt., it failed to provide double bedroom houses to the poor for with a pretext is being offered that land acquisition problems are being faced by GHMC. CM’s residence is being constructed on a sprawling campus of 9 acres in a very expensive commercial area of Panjagutta for which Rs. 50 crore are being spent. If this amount is utilized for the construction of double bedroom houses for the poor, it could provide 1500 houses.
–Siasat News