The Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy will reach the Indira Priyadarshini Stadium, Public Gandens, Nampally at 10 am on Saturday, and launch the Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme for LPG consumers. He will then reach the Botanical Gardens Junction, Kondapur at 11.20 am and lay foundation stone for Road widening works from Botanical Gardens to Old Bombay High Way via Masjid Banda Village. He will arrive at Tolichowki junction at 11.50 am and lay foundation stone for construction of flyover at Tolichowki junction and also lay stone for widening of the road from Tolichowki junction to Gachibowli from 11.40 am to 11.50 am. The Chief Minister will reach Ram Singh Pura, Ganesh Ghat at 12 noon and lay foundation stone for road widening works from Moghal ka Nala to Puranapul from 12.00 noon to 12.10 pm. He will reach Saheb Nagar, Vanasthalipuram at 12.30 pm and lay foundation stone for Krishna Phase-III from 12.30 pm to 12.45 pm and address a public meeting at Saheb Nagar from 12.45 pm to 1.45 pm. He will return to Camp Residence at 2.15 pm. (NSS)