New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Sunday paid a visit to the National War Memorial and National Police Memorial here and said that the sacrifice of the security personnel will continue to inspire generations.
His visit comes a day after Adityanath attended the fifth meeting of the Governing Council of Niti Aayog in the national capital. He had also met Prime Minister Narendra Modi later.
Earlier today, he met Defence Minister Rajnath Singh at the latter’s residence here.
At the war memorial, Adityanath said, “The sacrifice of our soldiers will continue to inspire millions. This memorial is a symbol of their bravery.”
The chief minister, while visiting the police memorial, said, “It commemorates all the personnel from various police forces who have lost their lives in the line of duty since 1947. Under the Narendra Modi government, India got its first National Police Museum in Delhi. I am glad that I could visit these memorials.”
He is also scheduled to meet Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari and some other ministers later in the day.