Chief Secretary SP Singh today directed the officials concerned to give priority to spend funds under 14th Finance Commission for providing basic amenities and facilities in the villages and prepare guidelines.
The Chief Secretary today conducted a high-level review meeting at Secretariat on grants under 14th Finance Commission and development works should be completed. He instructed the officials to give priority to developing all the villages using these funds released under 14th Finance Commission. Singh said the State government released funds for developing villages which should get all basic facilities such as roads, drinking water, fixing LED bulbs, power supply, drainage, public cemetery, solid waste management and sanitation.
As per Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s plan, the villages should get all facilities on priority basis and allot funds for the flagship Haritha Haram program, solar lighting, sanitation and others. The officials said out of Rs 1953 crore released, Rs 1,441 crore spent so far under the scheme during 2015-16. The State Government will get a total of Rs 5375 crore grants under the scheme for five years, they said. The CS asked them to make district-wise review on taxes collected, utilization certificates and efforts to collect taxes on time to spend funds for village development. (NSS)