Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today inspected development works and that of double bedroom houses at Erravalli and Narasannapet in Sidhipet district here. KCR’s visit to his adopted villages assume significance as the housing facility for the poor is almost nearing completion and getting ready to be distributed.
On the occasion, the chief minister went round the houses at both areas and interacted with beneficiaries and people. He sought to know about the facilities being provided in the housing scheme and instructed the officials to see that quality is maintained with regard to water, power, drainage and roads. The officials informed that the housing construction as part of the double bedroom scheme the flagship program is nearing completion.
TSMDC Chairman Subhash Reddy and other top officials were among those who accompanied the chief minister. It is likely that the government is to announce soon the distribution of two bedroom houses to the beneficiaries at these two villages.(NSS)