Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao will go round Karimnagar city on Saturday to personally monitor the measures being taken to prevent the spread of Corona virus (COVID-19). Official machinery in Karimnagar has initiated measures to prevent the spread of the dreaded virus as it was revealed that some people, who arrived from Indonesia to Karimnagar tested positive for the corona virus.
The Chief Minister also, from time to time, reviewed the situation there and gave several suggestions. The measures taken by the local administration to prevent spread of corona have achieved good results. Except for those came from Indonesia, none other so far tested positive.
The CM wanted to tour Karimnagar on Friday to personally assess and monitor the situation. But due to the Prime Minister’s video conference with the Chief Ministers scheduled on Friday, the CM postponed his visit to Karimnagar town. On Saturday, the Chief Minister, accompanied by high-level officials will tour Karimnagar and hold