To provide better transportation services to people chief minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has ordered to purchase 1200 new buses, the transport minister P Mahender Reddy said. Launching the new bus services at Karimnaar along with finance minister E Rajender, TSRTC Chairman S Satyanarayana he said that the government will purchase the new vehicles to cater to the needs. Every village will get a bus facility and efforts are on to make use of latest technologies in the RTC services he said.
He launched 10 JNNURM buses bought for Rs 3.71 cr for Godavarikhani and two Indra buses to Tirupati from Godavarikhani. We have spent Rs 48 cr for 130 JNNURM buses for Karimnagar, Khammam and Mahabubnagar districts. The Chief Minister has set up Rs 300 cr funds to help the RTC in trouble besides Rs 350 cr for buying 1200 buses and offered Rs 500 cr towards bus pass concessions and reimbursement and the GHMC is releasing Rs 18 cr towards bearing losses in Hyderabad every month. He appreciated that Finance Minister gave Rs 18 cr for Karimnagar region and MP Kavitha gave Rs 50 lakh for RTC development.
Rajender alleged that the opposition is making useless comments on the government. The opposition has no right to criticize the government giving priority to welfare and developmental programs. The TRS Government gave 44 per cent fitment to the RTC staff while the previous governments ignored the RTC development, he said. (NSS)