Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao’s indifference towards minorities’ development and provision of reservations to Muslims was exposed on Wednesday when Sudhir Commission of Enquiry which was formed to ascertain Muslims’ backwardness had to wait the whole day for CM to present its report. Still they were not called by the CM. Chairman members of the Commission and Secretary Minority Welfare had to wait for CM since morning and in the evening Chief Minister’s Office CMO informed that Chief Minister is unable to meet the commission due to engagements. The next meeting has been scheduled on Friday.
Chairman of the Commission IAS officer T Sudhir and members Prof. Shaban, Amerullah Khan and M A Bari waited with report since morning. Secretary Minority Welfare Syed Omer Jaleel also accompanied them. After hours of waiting they were told that CM has fixed next meeting on Friday.
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