Animal Husbandry Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav today said Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao will lay the foundation stone for construction of “Golla Bhavan” and “Kuruma Bhavn” each in five acres at Budwel on December 29. The Government has sanctioned Rs 10 crore to be spent Rs 5 crore each for the two bhavans, he said.
Addressing the selected members of the Golla and Kuruma communities at the Secretariat today, Srinivas Yadav said the government introduced sheep scheme for the benefit of Yadavas. The officials distributed 30 lakh worth sheep in four months out of 1.5 crore sheep to uplift Yadavas financially, he said.
It was also being planned to distribute about 2.18 lakh buffallows on 50 per cent subsidy for the benefit of those relying on milching animals. Yadav claimed the schemes will help develop the poor and backward classes in the State. He also said construction of these two Bhavans will cost Rs 10 crore. The minister said the Yadava Mahasabha with 10 lakh Yadavas will be conducted in Hyderabad to extend thanks to the Chief Minister. (NSS)