Chief Minister of Telangana Mr. K Chandrasekhar Reddy will launch government flagship programme Haritha Haram on Friday, July 8, in Nalgonda district. On the same day ministers, MLAs, MPs, MLCs and higher officials in all the districts will participate in the programme. Higher officials of each department will hold the programme in their respective departments.
Government has decided to plant various types of saplings along either side of Hyderabad Vijayawada highway. On the occasion of launch of Haritha Haram programme Chief Minister will plant a sapling at Pedda Kaparthi of Chityal Mandal following which 85000 plants will be planted from Dandu Malkapuram of Choutuppal Mandal to Telangana border village Nallabanda Gudem of Kodad Mandal, covering about 150 km.
CM also requested the public to take part in the Haritha Haram programme voluntarily in order to make the State pollution-free.