Hyderabad: While speaking at Assembly on Monday CM KCR said as promised his Government will fill in 1.2 lakh vacancies in various departments before its term ends in 2019 and that there is no doubt the TRS Government will fall short on its commitment towards its people.
He said, “The state has nearly four lakh sanctioned posts, of which nearly 1.12 lakh are vacant due to retirements and creation of new posts. We cannot recruit as per our whims and fancies. We need to follow procedure, which takes time.”
Adding that the TRS government’s commitment to fill the vacancies, he said, “We will make 1,000 more appointments over these vacancies but not less.”
T. Rammohan Reddy Congress MLA said that separate Telangana State was granted under UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi who hoped the students who have lost their lives during the agitations of a separate state would get employability in their own state but the TRS government has failed people in giving jobs. to people in the state.
S.A. Sampath Kumar Congress MLA alleges that the TSPSC had made many irregularities in the recruitment process in the state.
Condemning the opposition allegations of the same, CM appreciated TSPSC chairman Ghanta Chakrapani for bringing major reforms in the state recruitment process.