Congress Rajya Sabha MP Palwai Govardhan Reddy on Wednesday described the decision of Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy to strip D Sridhar Babu of Legislative Affairs portfolio as an open challenge to Congress High Command’s authority.
Speaking to media persons here, Palwai said that the Chief Minister has crossed the limits of having a confrontation with the Congress High Command on Telangana issue. He appealed to AICC Vice-President Rahul Gandhi to take stern action against Kiran Kumar Reddy. He said that changing the portfolio of Legislative Affairs at a time when Telangana Bill is about to be debated in the Assembly was highly condemnable.
Palwai supported the demanded of MLC Yadav Reddy wherein he asked all ministers from Telangana region to resign en masse in protest.
The Congress MP also advised APNGOs chief Ashok Babu to restrain from making provocative statements. He said that the consequences would be uncontrollable if the Telangana people start reacting on his statements. (INN)