Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy today fulfilled his assurance given to the people of this temple town on February 11 by laying foundation stones of the drinking water scheme, construction of PG hostel buildings, additional buildings and construction of Urdu Ghar and Shadikhana. The Chief Minister who reached Tirupati this morning had participated in the Shirdi Sai Vigraha Pranaprathishta Mahotsavam in Nagari. Later, he left for Tirupati and laid foundation stones for New Post Graduate Hostel Building and Additional Buildings for PG students estimated to cost Rs 7.50 crore at the Sri Padmavathi Women’s college and for improvements to Urdu Ghar-cum-Shadikhana at MR Palli.
The Chief Minister inaugurated the Sree Venkateswara Oriental College Building near TTD Administrative Building built at a cost of Rs 5 crore (the building will have 4 floors for hostel and PG Classrooms to serve 450 girl students). He also laid foundation stone for Integrated hostel Complex for boys which will cost Rs 4 Crore at Channa Reddy Colony. Mr Reddu also laid foundation stone for 132/33 KV sub station at Alipiri at an estimated cost of Rs 12.52 crore to improve power supply in Tirupati, Tirumala and Chandragiri substations.
The Chief Minister had laid foundation stone for Institute for Pregnant women estimated to cost Rs.20.10 crore at the Ruia College premises. The institute will provide modern ultra sound CCTV, Modular OT, Lab, ICU, Emergency ward, post delivery ward. Foundation stone for the Tirupati Water Supply augmentation scheme estimated to cost Rs 30 crore will augment 32 MLD to the present capacity of 37.83 MLD and will ensure daily water supply to TMC and other Institutions was also laid by the Chief Minister. UNI