Hyderabad: The Chief Minister instructed officials concerned that from the next year onwards 100 crore saplings are to be planted every year and are to be protected properly and towards this an action plan must be prepared. To meet the demand for saplings on this large scale, the CM suggested that, nurseries are to be developed both in rural and urban areas. The CM said that in addition to the rejuvenation of forests and development of social forestry, importance to be given to fruit-bearing trees.
The CM held a review meeting in Pragati Bhavan on Saturday afternoon on Telangana ku Haritha haram. Legislative Council Chairman K Swami Goud, Assembly Speaker Madhusudhana Chary, Ministers KT Rama Rao, Jupalli Krishna Rao, Jogu Ramanna, MPs J Santosh Kumar, Balka Suman, Boora Narsiah Goud, MLAs Ganesh Gupta, Guvvala Balaraju, Srinivas Goud, Civil Supplies Corporation Chairman Peddi Sudarshan Reddy, Chief Advisor to Government Rajiv Sharma, Chairmen of Municipal Corporations, Commissioners of Corporations, PCCF PK Jha, officers of Forest, Panchayathi Raj and Municipal Administration departments participated in the meeting.
The Chief Minister said, ‘‘It is essential to have a clean and fresh climate for a bright future to future generations in addition to the creation of wealth. Human existence in a polluted atmosphere is not possible. Hence environmental equilibrium shall be given more priority, and this is what persons with scientific approach adhere to. At present, the percentage of forest coverage is very less. Unless this is increased the existence of human beings becomes questionable. Hence, we need to work and act in mission mode and increase the forest coverage. In the entire Telangana, the forest lands account for just 24% but the forest cover is just 12%. The tree plantation shall aim at increasing forest coverage to at least 33%’’ said Chief Minister.
‘‘Meteorologists predict better rain fall this year. And Hence tree plantation must be taken up on a massive scale. Government is ready to provide required funds for Haritha haram program. NREGA funds may also be utilized’’ said CM. ‘‘Once upon a time, there used to be wild fruit-bearing trees in forests in large numbers. Forest animals including monkeys used to live by consuming these fruits. Now, these fruit-bearing trees are non-existing. Due to this for their survival forest animals including monkeys moved to domestic areas. Monkeys playing havoc and spoiling crops. To overcome this the alternative is to grow fruit bearing wild trees. There are 37 varieties of wild fruit-bearing trees. To grow them nurseries are to be developed and saplings are to be kept ready. Date palm and toddy trees are to be grown on a large scale’’ said CM.
‘‘Buildings and residential complexes are coming up rapidly not only in towns and cities but also in villages of late. For this, trees are being fell. Land required to leave for green land is nor adhered to. Illegal layouts are coming up. This becomes a hurdle to plant saplings and grow trees. This means the municipal authorities are to act tough. Layouts are to be made use of for growing green land and green cover. Shall be tough on illegal layouts. Green maps are to be prepared for every urban area both towns and cities. Illegal occupations in forest area are also to be identified. Strategy needs to be worked out to remove the unauthorised and illegal occupations’’ said CM.
‘‘Tree plantation and their protection shall not be treated as mere government program but to be treated as a people moment. All categories of people are to be made to participate in this. Campaign should be taken up on a massive scale. Understanding on Haritha Haram shall be created by conducting elocution and essay writing competitions in educational institutions’’ desired CM. CM elicited the views of Mayors and Commissioners as well as other officers and discussed strategies to increase green cover in towns and cities.
‘‘Tanks are to be protested in Hyderabad and all other towns and cities. Care should be taken to see that the drainage canals do not move towards tanks and diversion canals are to be developed. Sewerage treatment plants are to be arranged. Tanks and their surroundings are to be kept clean and plantation has to be taken up around them’’ said CM. (NSS)