Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao has advised Home Minister Nayani Narasimha Reddy to stay cautious on Law & Order front in view of some predictions made in the Panchangam by Pandit Dr. Bachampally Santoshkumar Shastri on the occassion of Ugadi festival.
Pandit Bachampally has predicted that the Telangana State might witness a rise in incidents of extremism and terrorism. In view of this, the Chief Minister also directed the police department to be on alert, especially during the months from August to October.
Addressing the official celebrations of Ugadi festival at Pragathi Bhavan here, the Chief Minister said the Panchangams have predicted good monsoon and good crops this year. He said that the Telangana has been growing at a rapid pace by registering an increase in revenues by Rs. 15,000-20,000 crore every year. He said within three years of its formation, Telangana has become a welfare state. He said Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley too have appreciated the State Government’s initiatives on multiple occasions.
The function was attended by Union Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatraya, Assembly Speaker S. Madhusudan Chary, State ministers, MPs, MLAs, MLCs, chairmen of various corporations and senior officials. (INN)