Congress senior leader V Hanumantha Rao has alleged that Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao was contemplating to construct new Secretariat to suit his son and IT Minister KT Ramarao’s Vasthu at Bison Polo grounds by wasting public money.
After launching protest against constructing a new Secretariat at Bison Polo grounds at Paradise and at Secunderabad Gymkhana Grounds here on Tuesday, VH said not only public money would be wasted but also injustice will be done to the upcoming sportspersons if constructed new secretariat at Bison Polo grounds.
VH said some one told KCR that KTR would become Chief Minister if a new new Secretariat was constructed at Bison Polo grounds and the Vasthu suits to KTR. He said he was gathering public opinion on new secretariat at Bison Polo grounds by conducting ballot at 20 places in Hyderabad. He said that women and youth participated in ballot enthusiastically. He said the result would be announced on September 27 at Somajiguda Press Club.
On the other hand, TPCC chief N Uttam Kumar Reddy participated in the ballot at Tolichowki. (NSS)