Clean chit to Hafiz Saeed a setback for India: BJP

New Delhi, October 12: BJP today said a Pakistan court order quashing cases against Mumbai terror attack mastermind and JuD chief Hafiz Saeed was a “big setback” to India’s efforts to bring him to justice and “proof” that Pakistan does not want to act against those behind the attack.

“The Lahore High Court order today giving a clean chit to Hafiz Saeed is proof that Pakistan does not want to take action against Mumbai terror attack accused,” BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekar said.

He argued India had provided ample proof that the JuD Chief was the mastermind of the 26/11 attacks but Pakistan still maintained that he was not involved and presented this view in the court to help him go free.

“This is a big setback to India’s efforts. India should ensure that either Pakistan hand over the 26/11 accused or take action against them,” Javadekar said.
