Hyderabad: Commissioner of Hyderabad City Police, Mr. Anjani Kumar suddenly visited Nampally Police station and reviewed the law and order situation. Later, he went to the rowdy sheeter, Fareed’s house at Battery Lines and warned him that in case he gets involved in any criminal case, stern action would be taken against him.
It may be mentioned that rowdy sheeter Fareed was sent to jail under PD Act earlier. After getting released from the prison, he started unlawful activities of harassing the local people once again. On receiving information, Mr. Anjani Kumar gave him warning.
Later, talking to media persons, he said that the objective of visiting the police station uninformed is to know the situation. He also told that every 3-4 days, he would visit any police station and take stern action against the erring rowdy sheeters.
–Siasat News