New Delhi: Foreign currency worth Rs 45 lakh was seized by the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) at Delhi airport. The currency was hidden in cooked meat pieces, peanuts and sealed biscuit packets. According to the officials, five hundred and eight crisp currency notes were recovered from the eatables.
Observing “suspicious” behavior of Murad Ali, 25, security personnel arrested him when he reached Terminal-3 of the Indira Gandhi International Airport to board an Air India flight to Dubai.
CISF spokesperson Assistant Inspector General Hemendra Singh said on checking the passenger’s baggage, foreign currency was found concealed in cooked mutton pieces, peanuts, biscuit packets and other eatables.
The video in which security personnel could be seen cracking peanuts, unzipping sealed biscuit packets and digging into oily meat pieces to extract an assortment of Saudi Riyal, Qatari Riyal, Kuwaiti Dinar, Omani Riyal and Euro rolled and wrapped neatly inside was posted by CISF on its Twitter account.
Murad Ali had a tourist visa for Dubai. CISF officials handed over the currency to Customs authorities. The man had made multiple visits to Dubai and other foreign locations in the past, said CISF.