Mumbai: The Maharashtra government on Tuesday ordered reinvestigation by the CID into the suicide of a 53-year-old interior designer and his mother, allegedly over non-payment of dues by TV journalist Arnab Goswami and two others.
State HM orders reinvestigation
State Home Minister Anil Deshmukh said he ordered reinvestigation after Adnya Naik, daughter of interior designer Anvay Naik, claimed that Alibag Police in neighbouring Raigad district did not probe the non-payment of dues which had driven her father and grandmother to suicide.
“Adnya Naik had complained to me that #AlibaugPolice had not investigated non-payment of dues from #ArnabGoswami’s @republic which drove her entrepreneur father & grandmom to suicide in May 2018,” Deshmukh tweeted.
“I’ve ordered a CID re-investigation of the case,” the minister, an NCP leader, added.
He also used the hashtag “Maharashtra government cares” while sharing the tweet.
Abetment of suicide case against Arnab Goswami
Earlier this month, the police registered an abetment of suicide case against Republic TV editor-in-chief Goswami and two others.
The suicide note purportedly written by Anvay Naik, managing director of Concorde Designs Private Limited, said he was forced to take his life as he was not paid dues of Rs 5.40 crore by the three accused.
Republic TV denied the allegation and said that certain vested interest groups were running “a false and malicious campaign and making false statements and innuendos against the company by exploiting the tragic event”.
Mumbai Police are also conducting a probe against Goswami over his statements about the Palghar lynching case of April this year.