CIA refuses to release torture documents

Washington, September 03: The CIA has refused to release further documents related to its controversial rendition, detention and interrogation of terror suspects.

In a 33-page court statement made public on Tuesday, the Central Intelligence Agency said the documents contained sensitive information “that implicates intelligence activities, sources and methods, and information relating to the foreign relations and activities of the United States.”

Last month the Department of Justice revealed details of a report by a CIA inspector-general that outlined methods used during interrogation of “al-Qaeda suspects” in the midst of George W. Bush’s term, including threats of rape of detainees’ family members.

The report sent shock waves through Washington, and it was followed by Attorney-General Eric Holder announcing he had named a prosecutor to probe the prisoner abuse.

The US spy agency said the documents were too sensitive to release because they detailed “the locations of CIA intelligence activities overseas and the assistance provided by certain foreign governments.”
