Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today said his government was working with an aim to offer equal respect to all religions and people. Like all the religions are getting their due, the Christians’ festival Christmas will also be celebrated as State festival in a grand manner, he averred. He also directed the officials to conduct “Christmas” as State festival on the lines of Bathukamma, Bonalu and Ramzaan.
At a high level review meeting at Secretariat here he said that Christmas should be celebrated officially across the state of Telangana. Including 100 churches in twin cities the Christmas festivities should be conducted in 95 Assembly constituency segments, he directed. On the occasion the officials should distribute clothes to 2 lakhs of poor Christians (men and women), KCR said. The Chief Minister also asked to offer a grand party on behalf of the government on prayers to be conducted on Sunday, ie., December 20 before the main festival will be held in a grand manner on December 25.
He asked them to prepare an action plan for the purpose and said that senior IAS officer Raymond Peter and Minority welfare committee chairman AK Khan will conduct a coordination meeting in this regard. KCR also asked the officials to prepare proposals for setting up of 60 Gurukul Schools for Muslim Minorities from next Academic year. (NSS)