Chiru has to wait for ministry: Ghulam Nabi Azad

Hyderabad, July 02: The AICC general secretary, Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad, on Friday categorically announced that Mr K. Chiranjeevi will have to wait for some more time to get a berth in the Union Cabinet. Talking to newsmen after attending a “high tea” arranged by Mr Chiranjeevi at his residence, Mr Azad said, “We want him to be a minister in the Union Cabinet. For that he needs to be elected as an MP. At present there are no vacancies in the Rajya Sabha also. So he will have to wait at least for a year.”

Replying to a question he said if Mr Chiranjeevi wanted serve the people in the state he can join the state cabinet. When asked about the much talked about merger between the PR and the Congress, Mr Azad said, “I don’t think it can be held immediately. It may be possible after the Monsoon Session. Technically there is no PR now. It has merged with the Congress. There are no two parties,” Mr Azad said flanked by Mr Chiranjeevi and the PCC chief, Mr Botsa Satyanarayana. He said accommodating MLAs from the “former” Praja Rajyam in the state Cabinet will be decided soon.
