China slams US’ ‘terrible’ human rights record in report

Turning the tables on the US for frequently criticising it over rights abuses, China today hit back at the country for having a “terrible” human rights record as it highlighted America’s racially-biased police brutality and “stomach-turning” torture methods.

Chinese government issued a report titled ‘The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2014’ in response to “the 2014 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices” issued by the US State Department yesterday pointing to the rights abuses in various country.

The US rights report on China every year mostly points to suppression of dissent in the one-party system, highlighting the routine imprisonment of dissidents for long terms and violence.

The China report said US made comments on the human rights situations in many countries while showing not a bit of regret or intention to improve its own “terrible” human rights record.

“The US, a self-proclaimed human rights defender, saw no improvements in its existent human rights issues, but reported numerous new problems,” the report said.

While its own human rights situation was increasingly grave, the US violated human rights in other countries in a more brazen manner and was given more “red cards” in the international human rights field, it said.

The report criticised racial discrimination in the US citing police killings of African-Americans in the Ferguson case and some other high-profile shootings.

“In 2014, multiple cases of arbitrary police killing of African-Americans have sparked huge waves of protests, casting doubts on the racial ‘equality’ in the US and giving rise to racial hatred factors,” it said.

Racial bias in law enforcement and judicial system is very distinct, the report said, adding that African-Americans are more likely to become victims of police shooting in the US.

It also accused America of violating human rights in other countries, citing the “stomach-turning torture methods” and the “notorious overseas monitoring project and its indiscriminate drone strike killings,” the report was quoted as saying by the state-run Xinhua news agency.

“To acquire intelligence from suspects of terrorism and extremism, the CIA used brutal methods, such as sleep deprivation, water boarding, long-term solitary confinement, slamming prisoners’ head against the wall, lashing, death threat and even the appalling ‘rectal rehydration’,” it said.

Last year the US executed Ramiro Hernandez Llanas, a Mexican citizen without granting him access to consular assistance violating the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, it said.