China protests Dalai Lama’s presence at UN conference

China has lodged a protest with the UN for inviting the Dalai Lama to its conference in Geneva saying that the Tibetan spiritual leader is a separatist and not entitled to talk about human rights.

China voiced”strong unsatisfaction”and lodged solemn representations after the Dalai Lama was invited to attend an activity on the sidelines of the ongoing UN human rights meeting.

Reports said the US and Canada co-sponsored a conference built around Nobel peace prize winners, on the sidelines of the UN Human Rights Council’s 31st session in Geneva, official media reported.

The Dalai Lama was invited for the conference, which was chaired by UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Kate Gilmore.

The US side insisted on inviting the Dalai Lama to attend the activity regardless of China’ s firm opposition, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hong Lei said in a statement.

The relevant UN department also violated the UN resolution and allowed the deputy high commissioner to chair the activity.

“We have lodged solemn representations to relevant parties,” he said.

Hong said the Dalai Lama is a political exile who has long been engaged in activities to split China instead of a simple religious person.

“Dalai Lama, the biggest serf owner in old Tibet, is not entitled to talk about human rights”, he said.

He said that China firmly opposed the Dalai Lama to visit any country with any identity or in any name. China was also against officials from any country to have contact with the Dalai Lama in any form.

He urged relevant countries to abide by their commitment on the Tibet issue, stop making use of the issue to interfere China’s domestic affairs, and maintain the healthy development of bilateral relations with concrete actions.

He also demanded relevant department of the United Nations to adhere to the purpose and principles of the UN Charter, and respect and support the efforts made by UN member states to safeguard their sovereignty and territorial integrity.