Delhi deputy chief Minister Manish Sisodia launched a scathing attack at the Centre and Delhi Police over the chilli powder attack on chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, alleging that the “top BJP leadership had planned the attack” on Kejriwal and wanted him eliminated to stop him from working for the people.
On Tuesday, a man named Anil Kumar Sharma (40) flung chilli powder at Kejriwal outside his office in the Delhi Secretariat. Initially, police said the CM’s spectacles fell when his security tried to prevent Sharma from touching his feet and the chilli powder packet he was carrying fell from his pocket.
Later, they revised the statement and arrested Sharma and blamed the initial statement on “poor language skills” of an officer involved in the recording of the incident.
At a press conference, Sisodia pointed out that Sharma’s Facebook profile showed him as a member of BJP and his posts were anti-Kejriwal.
He questioned the police’s methods of interrogation and investigation after the attack and accused it of working at the behest of the BJP and termed them “BJP police”.
He recalled that Kejriwal had been attacked four times, but a charge sheet had not been filed in the first attack yet, but when a person backed by BJP complains that he has been hit by AAP leaders, the police are very prompt to probe the case.
“But when Kejriwal is attacked in front of Delhi police personnel and in view of CCTV cameras, attempts are made to save the culprit,” he alleged.