Hyderabad: The Chief Post Master of Telangana state K. Sandhya Rani today assuaged the concerns of white ration card holders, who did not get ₹1500 of financial assistance provided by the state government as relief during the ongoing lockdown.
She said that the beneficiaries can withdraw their money from the post offices of the state within the next three months. She also said that the amount could be withdrawn from any post office of the district by the beneficiaries. The chief post master also said that the they had already disbursed the amount to 30 percent of the beneficiaries, who did not get the sum so far.
The beneficiaries can approach them with a copy of their ration card, Aadhar card to withdraw the amount, she said while noting that they had provided the facility for the beneficiaries, who have received their money in their banks, to withdraw the same in the post offices