Day after a video of a Muslim man’s rendition of the iconic Mahabharat’s title song went viral, Congress leader P Chidambaram termed it “awesome and inspiring”. Taking a jibe at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the former finance minster called for the Prime Minister’s attention towards the video and asked for it to be played at every BJP and RSS meeting.
In the video, an elderly man dressed in a typically Muslim attire can be seen reciting the verses of the song, originally sung by Mahendra Kapoor.
“The Muslim gentleman’s rendering of a Mahabharata iconic verse/song was awesome and inspiring. PM Mr Modi must make it compulsory to listen to the rendition at every RSS shakha and every BJP meeting,” Chidambaram wrote in a tweet.
The video of the Muslim man’s rendition was first shared by Dr S Y Quraishi, the former chief election commissioner of India, on his twitter handle on Monday with a caption “Beating the stereotypes!”.
Reacting to S Y Quraishi tweet, Congress leader Digvijaya Singh, wrote, “I agree. Well done Maulana Saheb. Impressed.”