Chidambaram proposes new measures for welfare of SC/ST, women and minorities

Sharing the concerns of the Members of the Parliament for the welfare of the scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes, Finance Minister P. Chidambaram on Thursday announced that the Union Budget has sub plans for them.

Chidambaram, who reiterated that the funds allocated to the sub plans cannot be diverted and must be spent for the purpose of the sub plans, made an allocation of Rs. 41, 561 crore to the scheduled castes sub plan and Rs. 24,598 crore to the tribal sub plan. Similarly, sufficient allocations have been made to programmes relating to women and children.

Chidambaram informed the members that the gender budget has Rs. 97,134 crore and the child budget Rs. 77, 236 crore in 2013-14.

He said, women belonging to the most vulnerable groups, including single women and widows, must be able to live with self-esteem and dignity and added that young women face gender discrimination everywhere, especially at the work place. The Ministry of Women and Child Development has been asked to design schemes that will address these concerns and a sum of Rs. 200 crore has been provided to begin work in this regard.

He allocated Rs. 3,511 crore to the Ministry of Minority Affairs, which is an increase of 12 percent over the BE and 60 percent over the RE of 2012-13. The Maulana Azad Education Foundation is the main vehicle to implement education schemes and channelized funds to non-government organisations for the minorities. Its corpus stands at Rs. 750 crore.

With the objective of raising it to Rs. 1500 crore during the 12th Plan period, Chidambaram proposed to allocate Rs. 160 crore to the corpus fund. The foundation wishes to add medical aid to its objectives and the same has been accepted that a beginning can be made by providing medical facilities such as a resident doctor in the educational institutions run or funded by the Foundation. Rs. 100 crore is being allocated to launch this initiative.

He said, government is committed to provide support to persons with disabilities and announced a sum of Rs. 110 crore to the Department of Disability Affairs for the ADIP Scheme in 2013-14. (ANI)