Chicken most ordered meat in Hyderabad

Hyderabad: Chicken was the most ordered food item in the city followed by Basa or Pangas, goat, and chicken eggs during 2021.

According to a report by FreshToHome, among the most ordered ready-to-cook items were Tangy Chicken Ghee Roast, Spicy Chettinad Chicken, Granny’s Massala Fried Chicken, Yummy Chicken Cutlets, and Handcrafted Chicken dumplings or momos.

Chicken and Rohu fish were in high demand across North India, while chicken remained the mainstay in the South followed by the Sardine fish and meaty mutton. According to the report, the chicken was the most “added to cart” item as well as the most forgotten item across cities shortly after.

The people who purchased meat, fish, and seafood in a single year on the FreshToHome app, spent 9.6 lakh rupees.

Fresh to home is used by 80 percent of Kerala, and 86 other cities across the country. Eight processing units were added by the platform during the last year. Christmas witnessed the highest number of sales of meat, fish, and seafood, while the lowest orders were recorded during the month of February. 

Talking about the report and the performance of the platform, the co-founder and CEO of Fresh to Home Shan Kadavil said, “2021 has been a great year for FreshToHome. The report reveals some interesting and evolving trends in the industry. The report revealed that we received 1 order every second in 2021; while people’s love for chicken across the country became more evident as it became the most ordered product everywhere,”.

“Fish continues to be a very large percentage of the protein requirement in India. As FreshToHome continues to grow online and offline including the launch of 100 stores, we are confident of providing the freshest fish and meat that is free from antibiotics and preservatives to the next Billion,” he added.