New Delhi: Chhattisgarh on Friday bagged the ‘State of the Year’ Award under the ‘business leader category as part of the India Business Leadership for the remarkable increase in business and services activities in various sectors.
The plunge witnessed is said to be the result of various decisions taken on the policy in the field of business by the Chhattisgarh Government in the past few years and its effective implementation.
Union Information Technology and Electronics Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad gave the award at India Business Leader Awards (IBLA) organised by a leading business channel.
The award was received by Chhattisgarh Minister Prem Prakash Pandey.
Addressing the gathering on the occasion, Pandey said that the Chhattisgarh has achieved tremendous success in socio-economic sectors since the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Government came to power in 2003.
The state government has successfully completed 14 years under the leadership of Chief Minister Raman Singh.
“The government has managed to overcome all the hurdles coming in the way of business and industries with great commitment and dedication. As a result, Chhattisgarh has been ranked 4th in World Bank’s list of ‘Ease of doing Business’,” Pandey said.
He said that Chhattisgarh is the land of opportunities with as it has 28 types of minerals, skilled manpower and encouraging industrial policies.
“The industrial growth rate of the state is constantly more than the national growth rate. The priority is on core sector, non-core sector and sunrise sector. The state has 24 hours best quality power supply and better rail, road and air connectivity,” Pandey said. (ANI)