Chennai man builds Taj Mahal replica in memory of his mother; onlookers are in awe

Chennai: A man from Chennai has built a memorial to honour the memory of his mother taking inspiration from the iconic Taj Mahal. The Indian man spent Rs 50 million to build the white marble structure.

The 49-year-old Amrudden Sheik Dawood made the mausoleum of 743 square marbles to express his deep love for his late mother Jailani Bibi.

Dawood has reportedly brought over 100 tonnes of marble from Rajasthan for the mausoleum. His mother, Bibi passed away in 2020 after spending two weeks in hospital following a heart attack.

Dawood, who owns a rice business in Chennai, wanted to pay tribute to her. He claims that his father, Abdul Kader Sheik Dawood who owned a hardware business had died suddenly when he was a young boy.

Following this, it was his mother who not only looked after him and his four sisters but also handled the business.

Dawood, quoted by The Times of India, said that his mother “Sacrificed her life to raise us with all virtues.” He added, “Without her, we are nothing.” The Taj replica stands 12 metres tall on a 1.2-metre platform.

Each of its four minarets is 14 metres in height. The width of the mausoleum is nearly 33 metres. The replica stands on a 1.2-metre platform. The height of each of its four minarets is 14 meters.

The replica of the historical landmark is five times larger. Each of its minarets is nearly 42 metres tall.

“We felt her presence should be an enduring one. So with my family’s consent, I decided to build this mausoleum for her on a one-acre plot in Ammaiyappan,” Amrudeen Sheik told The Hindu.

The Taj Mahal-inspired mausoleum’s construction began in 2021 and took more than two years to complete. Other than the grave of Amrudeen Sheik’s mother, the complex also has a mosque and madrassa.