With a rainfall deficit of 41 per cent in Tamil Nadu till June 13 this year as reported by the Central Water Commission, Chennai has become the first Indian city to have gone dry.
Due to curtailed municipal supply for daily requirement of drinking water, most of Chennai’s population today is dependent on water tankers. Women waiting for hours in long queues and scurrying to water tankers to get water could be seen in the video.
Price of bottled water has gone up so high that the packaged water can only be afforded by wealthier middle-class. As reported by India Today, while several restaurants have shut down operations, IT sector companies have asked employees to work from home. Roads and streets are filled with ‘don’t waste water’ bills, stickers and banners.
Before you drop a glass of water, look at the current scenario of Chennai. Next could be Hyderabad. So please save water in whatever way possible.