In apparent signs of differences with his junior colleague Mahesh Sharma, Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju today said decision on a proposal to charge passengers for check-in baggage should be left to aviation regulator DGCA.
His remarks come just days after Sharma said that he has asked DGCA not to consider such a proposal from some budget carriers as the move would discourage the potential travellers.
“Nothing is free, everything is paid for, whether its your baggage or ticket or things like that… Airlines at one point of time were considered elitist, now its not and there are multiple people who (travel by air)
“We will do nothing to discourage innovation but whatever is accepted by the regulator has to have a reason,” Raju said.
DGCA is looking into a proposal made by some domestic budget carriers to charge for check-in baggage and incentivise those who travel light.
Even though a decision a yet to be taken by the regulator, Sharma had voiced his opposition against such a proposal.
“We have got the proposal from low-cost flights to charge for check-in baggage. We have rejected it and there will be no consideration at the Aviation Ministry level. We will not want to put this burden on passengers,” Sharma had said last week.
“Such a move, if allowed to go ahead will be a dampener in air traffic growth in India. I have asked the DGCA not to consider the proposal at this stage.
“Air Travel in India is likely to see a growth as more middle class Indians are expected to take to air travel. And if they have to shell out even for one kg of check-in, it will discourage them,” Sharma had said.
At present, passengers are allowed to carry up to 15 kg of check-in luggage free of cost.