Lucknow: A case has been booked against Dr Kafeel’s elder brother Adeel by the Gorakhpur police on Tuesday. He and his aide have been booked for allegedly opening a bank account using fake documents. An FIR had been lodged against them on Monday night at Cantt police station in Gorakhpur which stated that Adeel and his aide, Mohammad Faizan, opened a bank account in the latter’s name. However, the photograph submitted was of a different person.
Police also alleged that a fake driving license was used to open the account, which was used for a transaction of Rs two crore.
One Mudassar Alam, a resident of Shekhpur in the Rajghat area, made a complaint to the police saying that Adeel and Faizan had opened a bank account in 2009 using his photograph and fake documents.
During the investigations, CO Kotwali found that the complaint was true as the bank account was opened at the main branch of the bank in the name of Mohammad Faizan in which photograph of Mudassar Alam was used.