Telangana Home Minister Nayani Narasimha Reddy has called upon the people to chase away those who tried to encroach upon the government lands and also file cases against the culprits. He also appealed to the residents in bastis and colonies to take the responsibility of protecting the government lands in their localities.
After laying foundation stone for a Rs 3.5 crore multi-purpose sports complex indoor stadium building construction works at EWS Play Grounds in Adikmet Division under Musheerabad Assembly constituency here on Saturday, the Home Minister asked the GHMC Commissioner to take special steps to protect the government lands from encroachers. “Everyone will be fit and clear the mental and physical restlessness by playing games everyday and hence everyone in the bastis and colonies have the responsibility of protecting government lands in their localities”, Home Minister opined.
Union Minister Bandaru Dattatreya said he allotted most of his time in life for sports. He disclosed he was still practising yoga and physical exercise everyday for an hour. He asked the people to adopt this practice in their life. He suggested to the Telangana government to allot one hour in the schools for exercise and yoga training to students.
Musheerabad MLA Dr K Laxman urged the State government and officials to take immediate action by identifying the needs of the people every time. He asked the officials to initiate programs useful to the people making the public representatives as part of such programs. He requested GHMC Commissioner to withdraw the idea of model markets, which were being opposed by the people.
GHMC Commissioner Dr B Janardhan Reddy, Zonal Commissioner, Sports Commissioner, Sports Director and other higher officials along with TRS and BJP leaders were present. (NSS)