Muzaffarnagar: The Uttar Pradesh Police has filed another charge sheet in a local court in Muzaffarnagar against Parminder Singh, the alleged mastermind of daring Nabha jailbreak case.
According to the prosecution, the charge sheet was filed against Singh under Sections 353 (assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty), 420 (cheating), 467 (forgery of valuable security or will), 468 (forgery for purpose of cheating) and 471 (using as genuine a forged document) of IPC.
Earlier, a charge sheet was filed against him under Sections 25 and 27 of the Arms Act in the court.
Harminder Singh Mintoo along with Kashmir Singh, two terrorists, and gangsters – Amandeep Dhothian, Vicky Gounder, Gurpreet Sekhon and Neeta Deol, were freed by a group of armed men, believed to be 10-12 in number, who stormed the high security jail at Nabha in Patiala district of Punjab on November 27, 2016.
Singh, the alleged mastermind of the daring act was arrested a day after from Kairana town in Shamli district while he was on his way to Dehradun.