Hyderabad: During the bail plea hearing of Younus Yafai accused in Chandrayangutta attack case on Friday, Special Public Prosecutor requested to grant bail to Younus Bin Omer Yafai (Elder brother of Mohammed Pahelwan) considering his old age and submitted that his health was badly affected due to imprisonment.
Special Public Prosecutor G Guru Moorthy during the hearing told the VII Additional Metropolitan Session Judge that Younus bin Omer Yafai has been imprisoned for the past 6 years as a result his health has been greatly affected; he has suffered several diseases. He requested to release Younus Yafai on bail for effective treatment.
The Judge adjourned the hearing of the bail plea of Special Public Prosecutor till Monday.
It must be noted that on the directions of Supreme Court to complete the trial within six months, the Seventh Additional Metropolitan Sessions Court began hearing the case which will proceed on a day-to-day basis.