Reacting on Yadyurappa’s resignation as Karnataka Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu has said that all the people, who believed in democracy, were happy. He also asked whether all were with Yadyurappa after his resignation.
Speaking to the media here on Saturday after the resignation of Yadyurappa, Chandrababu described it was the victory of the democracy as Yadyurappa government fell before the floor test in the Assembly. He slammed Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP chief Amith Shaw saying that both ridiculed the democracy in the Karnataka state. He called upon the Telugu people to see the end of the people who deceived Andhra Pradesh state. He said that Telugu people responded in a positive manner and cast their vote against BJP in Karnataka. Congress-JDS urged the Karnataka governor Vajubhai Vala for the formation of government but the governor invited Yadyurappa for the formation of the government, he said and alleged that the BJP was following different traditions in different states.
The BJP adopted one tradition in Goa and another one in Meghalaya, he slammed. Taking serious objection at BJP, Chandrababu said that they were behaving as they wished as they have power in their hands. (NSS)