Hyderabad: Mahesh Bhagwat, Police Commissioner, Rachkonda has alerted the public living in the city outskirts to be careful of the “Chaddi Baniyan” burglar gang roaming freely on the city outskirts, as reported in Telangana Today.
There has been series of theft cases reported around these areas in the past 20 days. Four cases from Kandukuru village, five from Thimmapur village, three from Choutuppal. The two villages fall under Kandukuru Police Station.
The Commissioner said “The clues and leads obtained exhibit that a similar modus operandi is being used. Burglars are entering houses in which the residents are sleeping on the terrace”.
According to the witness’s this burglars gang is found to be wearing only briefs and vests.
“Wearing briefs and vests is a strategy to avoid being caught,” said the Commissioner. He also said the gang is assumed to be from Kurnool District and also advised the public to keep their valuables in lockers.