Hyderabad City Police detained 264 youth including students during ‘Chabutra’ campaign. However, they were let off after counseling.
South Zone of Hyderabad City Police collected fingerprints using e-fingerprinting technology for the first time to identify criminal records.
According to a report published in DC, police arrested 30 persons who had criminal records.
Mr. V. Satyanarayana, DCP of South Zone advised the students not to waste their time during night hours sitting on the ‘Chabutras’. He said that South Zone City Police wants youths of the Old City to be responsible citizens and not to waste their time. He has advised the parents also to have a strict vigil on their children and concentrate their energy and attention on the development of careers of their sons and daughters.
Addl. DCP, Mr. Babu Rao told that ‘Chabutra’ Mission continued from 1 a.m. to 4 a.m. yesterday in all the police stations of South Zone. He gave the details of the e-fingerprinting technology. Other police officials were also present on this occasion.
–Siasat News