Nagpur: Amidst mass gathering being organised by the Shiv Sena, Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) and some Hindu groups in Ayodhya, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) ideologue MG Vaidya on Saturday said the central government will wait till January when the Ram Janambhoomi-Babri Masjid title suit case will come up in the Supreme Court.
“Currently, it is difficult to tell what will happen after the Dharma Sabha in Ayodhya. But saints and devotees who go there are certain that the Ram temple should be built. I think the government will wait till the matter comes up in the Supreme Court in January and then it will decide whether to bring in an ordinance or a law in this matter. People in the government can only talk about this, but if they (government) want they can bring in an ordinance like the Shah Bano case,” said the nonagenarian RSS ideologue.
On Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray’s visit to Ayodhya, Vaidya said: “Despite being a part of the BJP-led government, Shiv Sena speaks and writes against the BJP every day. This will go on till the 2019 general elections. The government will take its decision after the matter will come up in Supreme Court again. Shiv Sena can take credit for it.”
On October 29, the Supreme Court adjourned the title suit till January 2019 to fix the next hearing date in the matter.