Deputy Chief Minister Kadiam Srihari today said that the Centre agreed in principle to upgrade Kasturbha Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) to Intermediate from SSC level. Along with MP Malla Reddy, Srihari called on Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar in Delhi and discussed on state issues.
The Minister said that Javadekar promised to take a decision on the issue in next Cabinet meeting to be held in this month end. Besides allocation of IIM to Hyderabad we have urged the union minister to fulfill the promises made in the bifurcation act he said. Srihari said that he also urged the union minister to provide uniforms and mid day meals up to the level of Intermediate education to benefit the students and decrease dropout rate. Srihari said that he urged the Centre to allot IIIT to Telangana on the lines of Andhra Pradesh. The meeting held a conducive atmosphere the union minister assured of taking steps on our appeals he added (NSS)